2013 - Finish - A - Long

she can quilt

Welcome to the 2013 Finish-A-Long page. I hope you will grab the botton (code is at the end of this page) and plan to join in this year. The 2013 FAL is the continuation of the 2012 FAL which was the brainchild of my friend Rhonda from Quilter in the Gap.

As Rhonda has announced, the FAL will move along each year to a new host. You can go back anytime and review the 2012 finishes by checking out Rhonda's 2012 Finish-A-Long blog page here.

Here is the calendar for the 2013 FAL and links to the posts:

First Quarter:

January 7, 2013:   Q1 pre-quarter link opens
January 13, 2013: Q1 pre-quarter link closes

March 31, 2013:   Q1 post-quarter link opens
April 1 - 6, 2013:  Guest Tutorials for Q1 on my blog
April 7, 2013:      Q1 post-quarter link closes

Second Quarter: 

April 8, 2013:      Q2 pre-quarter link opens
April 15, 2013:     Q2 pre-quarter link closes

June 30, 2013:     Q2 post-quarter link opens
July 1 - 6, 2013:   Guest Tutorials for Q2 on my blog
July 7, 2013:        Q2 post-quarter link closes

Third Quarter:

July 8, 2013:        Q3 pre-quarter link opens
July 15, 2013:      Q3 pre-quarter link closes

Sept. 30, 2013:     Q3 post-quarter link opens
Oct. 1-6, 2013:     Guest tutorials for Q3 on my blog
Oct. 7, 2013:        Q3 post-quarter link closes

Fourth Quarter:

Oct. 8, 2013:        Q4 pre-quarter link opens
Oct. 15, 2013       Q4 pre-quarter link closes

Jan. 1, 2014:        Q4 post-quarter link opens
Jan 2-7, 2014:      Guest tutorials for Q3 on my blog
Jan. 8, 2014:        Q4 post-quarter link closes.

The wonderful sponsors for the 2013 FAL are:

For Q4 we have these generous sponsors. Please show your support for them over the quarter:

For Q3 we have these generous sponsors. Please show your support for them over the quarter:

Quilter in The Gap
Surprise Package from Rhonda at Quilter in the Gap

£25 Gift Certificate from Tikki London

    For Q2 we have these generous sponsors. Please show your support for them over the quarter:

    For Q1 we had these generous sponsors. Thank you for your wonderful support of the FAL: 


Thank you to all these wonderful sponsors! 

If you would like to be a sponsor for any or all of the quarters of the FAL please let me know (shecanquilt [at] gmail [dot] com).

The location of the 2013 tutorial links are (click the name of the tutorial for the tutorial, the name of the blog to visit the tutorial author's blog):

Q2 Tutorials:

Q1 Tutorials:

The Rules for the 2013 FAL are:

1. The FAL will run quarterly. You can join in for any quarter or for all of the four quarters in the year.

2. The basic idea is that you will identify and photograph unfinished projects (UFOs) that you want to finish in the upcoming FAL quarter. The concept of the FAL is to get those projects done and out of your sewing room. These need to be projects that have actually started and are not finished. Finished projects are generally things that will finish into a finished item, not parts of projects like quilt tops or bee blocks: while a quilt top and bee blocks are certainly a UFO that can be part of the FAL if your FAL plan is to finish them into a quilt or other finished item.

3. You will prepare your list, blog about it, and add your blog post with your list to the link party at the beginning of the quarter. If you are not a blogger, you can link a flickr photo which has your plan in the description. This link will be open for a week at the beginning of each quarter.

4. Over the 3 months of the FAL quarter, finish those projects. Feel free to post about them on your blog and post pictures in the FAL flickr group. You can post your progress, your problems and your finishes.

5. At the end of the quarter there will be a new linky party where you will link a blog post (or flickr picture) showing off each finish on your FAL list. Projects must have been on your FAL list for the quarter to qualify and you will need to link to or reference the place you posted that list in your finish post. You will need to link each finish separately so that each project will be in the running for a prize. There is no penalty for not finishing a project that was on your original list. This link will also be open for one week.

6. Rhonda and I are talking about a special prize category too, and there will be more on that later. Maybe the oldest UFO that was finished, for example. If you have other suggestions let us know. For now, do include interesting details about your projects in your FAL list post.

7. During the week between the end of the quarter and the start of the next one, there will be tutorials on my blog from guest posters to enjoy as a reward for the finishes. If you would like to present a tutorial, please let me know (shecanquilt [at] gmail [dot] com).

8. There are also prizes, which will be drawn at random from the finishes that qualify. These prizes will be from the sponsors of that particular round of the FAL.

9. The FAL is open to anyone, anywhere in the world.

10. Feel free to email me with any questions you have at: shecanquilt [at] gmail [dot] com.

11. There are some answers to questions people have posed in this post: http://shecanquilt.blogspot.ca/2013/03/q1-fal-tutorials-and-some-answers-to.html

Larger button:
she can quilt
<div align="center"><a href="http://www.shecanquilt.blogspot.com" title="she can quilt"><img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjHuVZpys2aMB62po_27hizuuyY0fZJYYmKPp_7Hdk26vwlt6Hcsf1BL_r3bh5OpuoifjV3txCg2Jks_1yrpwWuczLbx3VdsI-dfIbJnmfBv-BqDx2gYr5RIzX7i1ADNJIP1ZRaSb9T2i28/s170/DSC_0273+4.jpg" alt="she can quilt" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Smaller button:

she can quilt

<div align="center"><a href="http://www.shecanquilt.blogspot.com" title="she can quilt"><img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjHuVZpys2aMB62po_27hizuuyY0fZJYYmKPp_7Hdk26vwlt6Hcsf1BL_r3bh5OpuoifjV3txCg2Jks_1yrpwWuczLbx3VdsI-dfIbJnmfBv-BqDx2gYr5RIzX7i1ADNJIP1ZRaSb9T2i28/s170/DSC_0273+4.jpg" alt="she can quilt" style="border:none;" height=125 width=125 /></a></div>

2014 FAL Button:
Finish Along 2014


1 Canadian Abroad said...

You will be great at hosting this. I have the button now.

2 Debbie said...

Can't help but post about this myself!

3 Nicky said...

Yahoo! From US to Canada! The FAL is on the move and I am glad to join in for more fun! Thanks Leanne for being hostess

4 Nicky said...

Yahoo! From US to Canada! The FAL is on the move and I am glad to join in for more fun! Thanks Leanne for being hostess

5 Deb@asimplelifequilts said...

I'm in and have added your button to my blog. 2013 is going to all about UFOs for me!

6 Unknown said...

Not sure if I can join, but I have the button on my blog ;-)
Thanks for doing it


7 Theresa said...

I have a few things that I would like to get finished and out of the sewing room this year so would love to join in.

8 Nancy said...

I've not done this before but I have several projects to finish - mostly quilt tops that need quilted. I think I should join in and get some things finished! Thanks for hosting.
Nancy from joy for grace

9 Leah said...

I'm in! Got lots to finish.... 15 known UFOs.... who knows how many will be found when my studio moves down the hall!!!!

10 Sue McPeak said...

Oh Yes, I do have UFO's and by joining FAL 2013, I hope to be inspired to finally get them finished. I'm a newbie to this group, but an 'Oldie' to quilting and sewing. Looking forward to getting into the first quarter. I've got the button and will watch for the first call for starting the first quarter in 2013.
CollectInTexas Gal Sue

11 Beth said...

Well, this sounds like a really good plan. I love lists and crosing things off. I will be grabbing the button! Thanks for the inspiration!

12 Carla said...

I'm so excited to have stumbled across your blog and the FAL. My "Word for the Year 2013" is FINISH, so this is just what I need to help make it happen!

13 Stacey Napier said...

How fun - I'm in! Nothing like a healthy dose of accountability to get 2013 started right! Thanks :)

14 Jersey Shore MQG said...

I'm a little confused by the rules where it states that UFOs are "not parts of projects like quilt tops." Do you mean quilt tops made by a group? Most of my UFOs are tops I've made but never quilted.


15 elle said...

I'm thinking. I'm thinking. Actually, I think I'l see what is lurking in the corners besides my DD's wedding quilt top!

16 Trudi said...

No thinking required! Better get sorting! :)

17 prsd4tim2 said...

I'm focusing on finishing this year also and plan 13 UFO finishes in 2013. Maybe this is just what I need to keep me motivated. Thanks for a great idea!

18 Farm Gate Creations Incorporating Hummingbird Quilting said...

I definitely joining in for this one. Off to find all of my not finished projects.

19 Yon Quilting Wife said...

I would love to join in but don't know how.

20 What Comes Next? said...

I'm in!

Anonymous said...

How perfect that my first quilt along will lead to finishing my UFOs.


22 Jo Vandermey said...

Making a list and checking it twice... oh know that was for Christmas.
Switch to the New Year and head to the workroom. Time to make some goals and finish some projects. Thanks for hosting.

23 Lucy | Charm About You said...

fun, fun, fun! I hope to join in but have no clue whether I will get any sewing done!!

24 hafza said...

This is what I need to keep me motivated till the end of 2013. Hope I did not miss the date line again:)

25 Archie The Wonder Dog said...

I've been through all the boxes in my sewing room to find things I want/need to finish in 2013. Will I be able to include knitting and embroidery projects on my FAL list?!

26 Linda Beth said...

I did not take part in this at all last year, but think I might be on board this time around! Will hopefully get my list together in time to link up!